Fighting For
A More Generous

The idea for Katie’s Krops began with a 9-year-old girl and a 40 pound cabbage. In 2008 Katie brought home a tiny cabbage seedling from school as part of the Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage Program. She tended to her cabbage and cared for it until it grew to an amazing 40 pounds. Knowing her cabbage was special, she donated to a soup kitchen where it helped feed over 275 people. Moved by the experience of seeing how many people could benefit from the donation of fresh produce to soup kitchens, Katie decided to start vegetable gardens and donate the harvest to help feed people in need.

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Katie’s Krops now has 100 gardens growing across the country and has donated thousands and thousands of pounds of fresh produce to people in need. The mission of Katie’s Krops is to empower youth to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need, as well as to assist and inspire others to do the same.


Fresh Produce Donated

Gardens Planted

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Join us at Katie’s Krops Outdoor Classroom in our Flagship Garden
at the Crossroads Community Church in Summerville, SC.

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Do you live in the Charleston/Summerville area? We would love for you to volunteer and help us grow a healthy end to hunger. Volunteers of all ages are welcome to help. Be a part of supplying food pantries, homeless shelters, cancer centers, Katie’s Krops Dinners and families in need with fresh produce. Join our volunteer list to be informed of all opportunities to grow an end to hunger.

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      This week, we secured our 2025 Katie’s Krops Dinner dates at Summerville Baptist.For 11 years, we have partnered with Summerville Baptist Church to make our dinners possible. They believed in us when I was just a middle schooler who wanted to feed my community. From sit-down dinners to pandemics to serving over 700 meals drive-thru style, they have been there for us and our community. The memories made, the friendships formed, and the kindness spread in the past 11 years have been immeasurable.Our dinners are only possible because of the kindness of everyone at Summerville Baptist. Thank you, thank you, thank you!Here is to a 2025 filled with delicious, healthy, free meals! @svillebaptist
      Munch munch! Did you know that monarch caterpillars will ONLY eat milkweed? Often times nurseries will spray the milkweed they sell with pesticides, that are killing the already endangered monarch population. That is why Team Monarch strives to provide pesticide free milkweed and a safe haven for our caterpillar friends to transform into beautiful butterflies and help them off the endangered species list 🐛🧡🌱
      Did you know that for 1 out of every 3 bites of food, you can thank a pollinator for? We love our pollinator friends and they are such important parts of our ecosystem 🧡 For the 3rd year in a row, Katie’s Krops volunteer participated in the University of Georgia Pollinator Count, to count the pollinators in our flagship garden! The count is held today and tomorrow, so if you are interested in being a citizen scientist, you can join the count by visiting
      Happy 26th birthday to our founder, Katie. Thank you for 17 years of service rooted in love! 💕
      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!We are grateful for all the support we have received after the storm!Today was our first day back in our flagship garden, and we started the cleaning up and clearing out process. We are looking much better after removing four truckloads and countless wheelbarrows full of garden debris. Your Amazon donations are so appreciated! The fire ants don’t stand a chance now; we have all the seeds we need to replant. We will head to Roots and Shoots on Sunday to replenish our pesticide-free milkweed supply.The next step is to repair the garden beds and amend the soil with our favorite BigYellowBags of hummus compost!We had an unexpected and unwanted surprise today. After the storm, our primary garden shed needs significant roof repairs. We would be so grateful if any roofers would assist us.Thank you for your kindness and support. Unfortunately, we will have very little from the garden to share in the coming weeks and months. We are preparing for our best fall garden ever!
      A sweet summer morning in the garden, a donation of fresh produce to a local food pantry + beautiful, fresh flower arrangements delivered, what could be better! 💐💗🌞🌱
      Adult Fall Gardening classes are just under a month away! Sign up to join Mr. Steve Chapman of Bonnie Plants as he shares his gardening knowledge and answers all of your questions for your most successful fall garden. Visit our website to sign up and for more information! We’ll see you in the outdoor classroom in August 🌱💛
      Back by Popular Demand for Year Three!Katie’s Krops is excited to host fall gardening classes with Stephen Chapman of Bonnie Plants.Learn how to choose the right vegetables to grow in your fall/winter garden, when to plant, how to care for your garden, and how to produce a beautiful harvest for your family during the off-season. We are blessed to live in a climate that allows us to grow year-round. Learn how you can take advantage and provide yourself with healthy, fresh food. If you have already participated in a previous fall garden class with us, please allow someone else to fill the limited spots.This will be a fun, interactive class for adults only. There is a $10 non-refundable fee. Please pay when you register to hold your spot.Two classes will be offered on Saturday, August 24th, at 9 am and 10:30 am. Classes will fill quickly.
      Today, we were lucky enough to watch a monarch caterpillar forming its chrysalis! When caterpillars are ready for this step in their lifecycle, they make a small silk pad and get into position - often called a “j hang.” It may look like nothing is happening at first, but there’s a big change happening under the surface! Once they’re ready, the caterpillar sheds its skin for the final time, revealing a chrysalis it’s been working hard to form. If you watch closely, you can see the caterpillar shed its skin for the last time and reveal the last stages of forming its chrysalis! Once completely formed, the chrysalis will harden protecting the caterpillar as it undergoes a huge transformation inside. Some time within the next two weeks, we will have a beautiful monarch butterfly emerge & join its friends in Monarch Meadows 🧡
      Join us Today, Tuesday July 23rd at Planet Smoothie!20% of sales from the day will support Katie’s Krops! Please pack the house! Stop by and grab a delicious cold smoothie on a hot day. Treat your coworkers to a treat. Stop by after your workout. If you have not tried Planet Smoothie, you are missing something special! Tuesday is a great day to stop by and enjoy a treat.Additionally, at 11am, I will host storytime at Planet Smoothie to beat the heat! I hope all of our young volunteers and supporters can join me.Planet Smoothie is located at 949 Orangeburg Road in Summerville. They will be open on Tuesday from 8 am to 8 pm. Please be sure to tell them that Katie sent you 😉
      We’re bringing you along to our July Katie’s Krops Dinner! Join us as we serve 625+ hot, healthy, fresh and free meals with the help of our incredible youth volunteers, amazing chef Chris, delivery drivers, and wonderful community members who have stepped up to donate milk, bake homemade desserts and pick up donations of other baked goods for us. We are a small but mighty team and we are so proud of our efforts! Thank you to everyone who helps make these dinners possible and to @svillebaptist for partnering with us for over 11 years now ♥️
      What a fulfilling way to end the week, with an 212 lb heartfelt harvest shared today with our friends at the Murray Church Food Pantry and a fun morning in the garden with our amazing volunteers 💚
#heartfeltharvest #growingandgiving #vegetablegarden #giving #gardening #youthservice
      We are so excited to share a new look inside our Flagship Garden!!! Thank you to our wonderful friends at Charleston 3D Advantage for sharing their talents with us and creating such a fun video tour ♥️ I hope you enjoy your virtual stroll through the garden. We are so grateful to our amazing volunteers for all their hard work and dedication and to our friends at Crossroads Community Church for sharing their campus with us! Happy strolling 🌱🍅
      We are so proud of Norah & Eva, our incredible growers from North Augusta! In 2024, they have a goal of growing 2024 lbs to share with their community, we are so proud of their hard work and dedication to helping others ♥️🌱🥕