Another Garden

Who  knew I’d find a spot for ANOTHER garden so quickly? During our last visit to Tri County Family Ministries my dad said, “I see you guys don’t have any land for a garden.” Ms. Sue (she runs Tri County) whipped around in her chair, “Do you see those three boxes over there?” she pointed to three 20 by 4 green boxes, “We can use those.” Hopefully all will go well and I’ll have another garden at Tri County Family Ministries the soup kitchen where I donated my huge 40 pound cabbage. That will be great for them because they can go and harvest any fresh vegetables when they need them. My mom and I scoped the area out and we think we’ll plant herbs, tomatoes, and green peppers.  Let’s just hope! And while I’m talking about Tri County I’d like to honor/thank Leo. He was a volunteer there and was hit by a car and died this week. I am very sorry for his friends and family. And thanks Leo. It’s people like you that really impact the fight against hunger just by helping at the soup kitchen.