From the Heart of a Teacher
A guest blog from a very special teacher in Georgia who is part of the Katie’s Krops Family:
From the Heart of a Teacher,
I want to express my deepest thanks to Katie’s Krops for her continued support of our garden. Building a garden at school was a dream of mine and through the inspiration of Katie my dream became a reality last year. My students wrote the grant to get the garden started. It is amazing to watch students get so excited about a project. When students take ownership and responsibilty for a project it is wonderful to see the results.
Many children of 2012 do not understand the time, efforts, and nutritional value of growing your own food. Our garden has been used to develop and design a “Cooking with Kids” club that meets afterschool. We use items from our garden and we cook nutritional meals to feed the homeless in our area. Through our club we have served many grateful families. The value of this experience has meant so much to me as a teacher. The students are learning life lessons and what it means to give back. It warms my heart to see students paying it forward. Ms. Babin