Guest Blog from our Wonderful New Jersey Gardeners!
I first met Katie in St. Louis when Build-A-Bear Workshop named us both 2009 Huggable Heroes. Katie had received the honor for her success with Katie’s Krops, and I had gotten the award for the nonprofit that I started, called Bowling for Bears, which provides teddy bears to children in need during the holidays. It was a great experience to meet Katie and to learn about her amazing organization!
After we met, I continued to grow Bowling for Bears, and started a Do Something Club at my high school to involved students in my school in my organization. Our Do Something Club has expanded to participate in projects for many different causes.
The club was so excited about the idea of starting a Katie’s Krops garden as another one of our projects, and we couldn’t wait to get started and help those in need with our garden! We are so grateful that Katie’s Krops was able to provide us with funding for our garden — Katie’s generous support has helped so much!
Once we decided to start the garden and got Katie’s support, we secured a plot at our local farmstead’s community garden. We got seedlings and other gardening materials donated from local gardening stores, and after tilling and preparing the soil, we finally got to plant our eggplant, tomato, and pepper seedlings! We set up a schedule for club members to water each day, and continued to watch the seedlings grow! We also set up a collection bin for other gardeners to place excess produce to donate.
Our club members have really enjoyed growing our vegetable garden so far, and we can’t wait to continue! We really want to thank Katie for her generous support, and for all of the great advice that she gives us throughout our gardening process. We appreciate the opportunity to get involved in her organization and help others! Katie is so inspiring, and I really love working together!
Below are some thoughts from a few of our club members:
We’re proud of [the garden]. To Katie and Katie’s Krops, thank you very much for your support! Without it, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve what we have, so once again, thank you very much :-D! Sincerely, Tiffany
After starting a garden in my own backyard this year, and then hearing about a chance to garden as a group for community service, I immediately joined the Do Something Club. I began to spend time researching garden tips and taking care of both locations, at my home and at the Barclay Farmstead. I think that it is great that by growing a garden and having fun while doing it, we can actually be helping people in need of food by donating our produce. It has been a successful experience so far and I am grateful for it. Thanks to Katie’s Krops for the inspiration and help we have received! Thanks, Kaylin
Thanks for sharing your expertise. I am honored to be a part of your wonderful organization! Despite the challenges of weeds and bugs, so far I’ve had a ton of fun and learned a lot from our gardening experience. It is incredibly exciting and rewarding to spot vegetables growing. Thank you, Katie, for supporting our garden and helping us to have this terrific experience. You are truly amazing! I look forward to keeping in touch as we keep you updated on the challenges and triumphs of our garden! Thanks, Gigi