Help Save
the Monarchs!

What: We are trying to prevent the monarch butterflies from going extinct by planting pesticide free milkweed, utilizing our butterfly house as a safe place for the monarch caterpillars to form their chrysalises and emerge, spread their wings and fly away! – Cam, age 9, Emmy, age 7, Autumn, age 4.5

Why: In December 2023, Monarch butterflies moved from the endangered to vulnerable species list.

“We have to keep caterpillars out of danger from being eaten by predators. By making the butterfly house larger, we can host more caterpillars. Without our support, the Monarch butterfly could go away forever.” — Nolan, age 6

How: At Katie’s Krops, we are working together as a small group to make big changes! We are working with scientists to help save the monarchs! We track monarch activity in the garden and we tag during migration season. We are also testing monarchs for diseases. We share all the information we collect with scientists to help them learn more and to make a big difference because everyone can help! -Lily age 8

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When: The monarch caterpillars begin to arrive in the garden in late spring, and the last generation begins their migration to Mexico in early winter. The timeline from egg to monarch is about four weeks and during that time we work to help them continue the life cycle of monarchs! -Preslie, age 9

Why: Now, the eggs are hatching! The caterpillars need milkweed, a lot of it! It’s the only plant monarch caterpillars can eat, and they need to eat a lot before they go into their chrysalis. Once they’re in, they don’t eat for around 2 weeks! Now that we have a butterfly house, we can help them even more to have a safe place to metamorphosize (change into a butterfly!). They need our help and your help to continue their journey to Mexico.

Who: Team Monarch is a group of kids that works to help the endangered monarch butterflies by caring for our pesticide free milkweed, tagging our monarch friends during their migration and spreading awareness of the endangered species and how the community can help. -Reese, age 8, Carley age 7

We are proud to share that the butterfly house was designed and built by Kevin Arnold, Clemson University Graduate Architecture Student and an addition was added by William Shehan, another Clemson University Graduate Architecture Student!

We are thrilled to begin year three of working to save the endangered monarch butterflies! Last year, we released over 250 butterflies and we expect that number to double this year. Thank you for tagging along with us on our journey!