Katie’s Krops Camp Story – A Guest Blog


           Well, to begin with, the experience was not a story. It was a real experience that was like a story. I got to meet Katie Stagliano! A story in a way, yes, but a real experience too.

          My name is Shawna and I’m 14 years old. I have been involved in Katie’s Krops for 2 years now, and I have enjoyed it very much. When I first heard that I was going to the Katie’s Krops Camp, I was thrilled. I thought, “I get to go meet Katie and learn a few tips on the way.” My thoughts were nothing like what I was treated to at the Katie’s Krops Camp of 2013. Every minute was packed full of exciting new tips and tricks for gardening, talking with 12 other grantees from around the country, and, yes, meeting Katie and her mom, Mrs. Stacy, in person!

Day 1: Pretty awesome!

At our first meeting, campers and Katie’s Krops directors introduced themselves to each other at the Lexington Chamber of Commerce. We then listened to a few directors, Katie, and Ashley Rawl. Then there were the watermelon pirates that accompanied us with our dinner of hamburgers that included all the fresh fixings, several salads, and peaches. After dinner, we went back to our hotel and slept off our weariness.

Day 2: Even better than the first day!

We had breakfast at the hotel, and then hopped on a bus to the Katie’s Krops Garden at WPRawl. We had 4 workshops packed full of information. We learned about irrigation systems, pesticide sprays, composting, and assembling garden carts. We then returned to the WPRawl headquarters to have a delicious lunch of tacos and peaches with homemade ice cream. Yummy! Then we learned about some photography and social media ways to support Katie’s Krops. After taking a hayride back to the garden, we picked the Katie’s Krops dinner vegetables that came in to total over 100 pounds! Next, we returned to the hotel to have time to swim, relax, and clean up until we would jump up the bus steps again to go make the Katie’s Krops dinner. With all of the fresh vegetables donated by WPRawl, we had grilled chicken, pasta salad, bread, roasted veggies, and cucumber salad. For desert, there were fruit parfaits. We got to make and serve the dinner with Chef McNeill, and clean up afterwards too. Then, we all jumped on the bus again, pulled out of the parking lot, were in the middle of the road, and bam. The bus was stuck! Oh well, we all had a great time and did get to the hotel safe and sound. Then, good night every one was the next few words and we all moseyed back to bed.

Day 3: Incredible day!

Today was the last day. We started off the day with breakfast, then heading out to the WPRawl garden. We got to plant sweet potatoes and build raised beds along with planting a few other vegetables and learning different techniques to building a new garden. I loved learning how to plant the potatoes in tires!! Then we had a fun scavenger hunt that made us look for herbs, bugs, varieties of raised beds and specific pollinating vegetables. Then back on the bus to the headquarters it was. There, we had lunch that the Kitchen Crew did an awesome job of preparing and listened to 2 grantees talk about their garden and experience with Katie’s Krops. Finally, we all found out that we had little gift bags. In them were our very own, personal Katie’s Krops business cards!!! We also received some blank thank you cards with the Katie’s Krops emblem on it. And on top of everything that WPRawl had done for us, they donated gift cards to each and every one of the campers to help keep our gardens growing and purchase new equipment that we learned about at the camp!   Then came the sad said goodbyes. Everyone parted ways and went back home.

          The Katie’s Krops Camp has left me even more excited to grow a garden that will produce lots of fresh food for the people in need. More than ever before, I want to be a part of Katie’s dream to help end hunger one vegetable garden at a time!

          I would like to thank WPRawl (www.Rawl.net) so much for all of the time and money that they spent on making this event possible. I don’t think that I would ever had been able to meet Katie and learned so much about gardening if they had not sponsored the trip. The people at WPRawl were very friendly too. With everything that they had to do, they still not only made time for us, but welcomed us into their family business with open arms. Thank you WPRawl!

          Katie and Stacy Stagliano, you deserve a huge thank you! Everything that you did and are still doing is making a difference in today’s world and in mine. You have done so much all of the Katie’s Krops Grantees and for me. Thank you!