Katie’s Krops Marvelous Marinara

Marvelous Marinara


It’s healthy, easy and delicious! Its Marinara sauce! There’s nothing better than fresh homemade Marinara sauce made from tomatoes and basil you picked from your garden.


12 fresh basil leaves

12 Plum Tomatoes

2 garlic cloves – minced

 1 bowl of ice water

 Olive oil



 Bring a large pot of water to a rapid boil. Place a bowl of ice water next to pot. Drop plum tomatoes into salted boiling water. Boil tomatoes for 4 to 5 minutes or until skin of tomatoes starts to crack. Remove tomatoes and place them immediately into ice water.

 Heat large skillet to medium heat. Cover bottom of skillet with olive oil. Place minced garlic in the pan, cook for 2 minutes. Add tomatoes to pan. Let cook for 2 to 3 minutes and them mash them well. Add about 1 teaspoon of salt (to taste). Toss in basil (whole leaves or chopped up, which ever you prefer). Cook for 10 minutes. Enjoy!

You can use your sauce for- Pizza, Dipping Sauce for Eggplant Delish (look in my past blogs for that recipe), stuffed peppers and so much more!