Not a Doubt in the World
This week I received an e-mail from a girl in Iowa who had to do a project on how teenagers can change society. She asked if she could interview me for her project. I was very touched that she would want to interview me but I was stumped by one of the questions. What was that question? “What doubts did you have and how did you overcome them?” I had to think a long time about this question. I have to say I have never had doubts about what I was, what I am, doing. I believe that things will always work out, maybe not as I planned but I know everything with will work out. Last week was a perfect example.
Tri County Family Ministries is very special to me. It is the soup kitchen that I donated my 40 pound cabbage to. It was the soup kitchen that started my dream. When I had the opportunity to start a garden at Tri County I jumped at the chance. My Uncle Alec built 4 of the largest, most beautiful planters and delivered them to our house from North Carolina. Into our garage they went (in place of my moms car). The planters are huge and would require a tremendous amount of potting soil. We priced out the soil and WOW! It was going to cost a lot of money to fill my new planters. The planters stayed in the garage and my mom’s car stayed in the driveway. Finally my mom made arrangements to have Tri County come pick up the planters, potting soil not included, yet.
The day before the planters were to be moved to Tri County we received a phone call from my friend Miss. Becky at the Summerville Home Depot. Miss Becky called to tell me that she had bags of potting soil for me, not one or two bags of soil but a whole pallet full of potting soil. I had never mentioned to Miss. Becky that I need that I need soil for the planters. Everything came together and in just a few short months Tri County will have a beautiful harvest of vegetables growing in there planters. My parents may have had doubts that they would never be able to park in the garage again but I never had a doubt that the planters my Uncle Alec built would be ready for spring planting.
So how did I answer the question from the girl in Iowa, “I think that if you believe in yourself and believe in what you are doing doubt will never be an issue.”