Our Wishlist~

In the past nineteen months, we have expanded our efforts to meet the needs of our communities. The biggest challenge was growing with a greatly reduced volunteer base. To say we are exhausted is an understatement. But we are also incredibly proud of what we have accomplished and what we continue to achieve every day. We are so blessed to have amazing supporters and volunteers who work tirelessly to feed our community. We would be honored to have your support to continue our efforts. We are sharing a list of our current needs. We hope we can find the support to grow, educate, and support. Thank you~

– For our Katie’s Krops Dinners, we need canned corn, stuffing mix, divided to-go boxes, ranch salad dressing, chickpeas, ketchup, kidney beans, Worcestershire sauce, pepper.

– A small backless bench.

-Hand Pruners.

– Four large Food Scoops for our Katie’s Krops Dinners- https://www.restaurantsupply.com/vollrath-47139-jacobs-pride-5-33-oz-white-6-disher?keyword=&gclid=CjwKCAjwy7CKBhBMEiwA0Eb7ajIy7ZGCkz6cSjoy6J4CvybSTdy25f9wrcqXL4HPV_btBsdTk7mBixoC-TAQAvD_BwE

-4 Large Garden Trugs -https://www.gardeners.com/buy/colorful-garden-tub/35-592.html

– Food Service Gloves- Nitrile-Vinyl size large and extra-large.

If you are able to support in any way please reach out to Stacy at Stacy@KatiesKrops.com.

Thank you~